Business Entrepreneurship

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Business Entrepreneurship

This course would be designed for individuals who are interested in starting and growing their own business. The course would likely be offered over several months and could be completed through a combination of in-person or online classes, self-study, and hands-on projects or case studies. The course would provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and execute a successful entrepreneurial venture.

Duration 3-4  months 12 session



Course outline for Business Entrepreneurship:

  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship: This module provides an overview of entrepreneurship as a career path, exploring the characteristics and traits of successful entrepreneurs and different types of entrepreneurial ventures.
  2. Ideation and Opportunity Assessment: This module covers the process of generating business ideas and assessing their feasibility and potential market demand. It includes tools and frameworks for idea generation, market research, and competitive analysis.
  3. Business Planning and Strategy: This module covers the development of a business plan and the strategic planning process. It includes topics such as business model canvas, value proposition, marketing strategy, and financial projections.
  4. Financing and Funding: This module covers the various sources of financing and funding available to entrepreneurs, including bootstrapping, venture capital, angel investors, and crowdfunding. It also includes information on how to create a pitch deck and present to investors.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Issues: This module covers the legal and regulatory considerations for starting and operating a business, including business registration, intellectual property, contracts, and employment laws.
  6. Marketing and Sales: This module covers the essentials of marketing and sales for entrepreneurs, including branding, product development, pricing strategy, and sales techniques.
  7. Leadership and Management: This module covers the leadership and management skills required to run a successful business, including team building, communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making.
  8. Growth and Scaling: This module covers the strategies and techniques for scaling a business, including international expansion, franchising, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnerships.

Contact Info

Phone: 056 337 1343 / 055 925 1287

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